Businesses I work with a lot.
These are some of the sectors we work with. If your sector or energy technology isn’t listed it doesn’t mean that we haven’t worked with it before and many of the principles and problems transfer easily from one sector to another.
If in doubt get in touch to discuss what you’re looking for help with.
An incredible industry. The technology and attention to detail (not just energy) is out of this world.
Why burn any fuel to produce electricity and then throw the 'left over' heat away? CHP works well in everything from hotels to greenhouses.
Energy is critical from the most basic of operations to literally keeping animals and crops alive.
Food industry
Often big energy users and the natural next step in the food chain from farms and greenhouses.
Heat networks
From managing CHP to negotiating gas, electricity and heat supply contracts and even dispute resolution.
If your business sector or technology has not been listed so far have a look here. You might be surprised by what you find.